Judaic studies as a cultural literacy

Judaic studies are central to forming national identity, belonging and culture. At Zarkor we believe that every student should have access to the study of Hebrew language, Zionist thought, as well as Judaic texts and traditions. The school’s goal is to provide its students with a deep knowledge of and respect for Judaism rather than to dictate its practice. Its Judaic curriculum should be equally attractive and instructive to students coming from religious families as to non-religious ones. Zarkor aims to establish Judaic studies as a unifying factor of our diverse community. p

At Zarkor we promote Judaism and Zionism as the foundation
:of our shared identity. We do so, by encouraging

In depth exposure to the core Jewish and Zionist texts

The use of variety of approaches to study Jewish and Zionist thought. p

Exposure to important figures from the Torah, Talmud, essential Jewish leaders and intellectuals from the past 200 years. p

The use of critical thinking in the study process. p

To focus on what connects us rather than focus on what divides our communities. p

To learn from different types of texts, including those written in biblical Hebrew as well as hymns and other religious texts – as an effort to enrich our student’s vocabulary. p