
Our children are growing up in an era of infinite abundance. This includes plenty of information, content, learning methods, options in life, and, especially, more food choices. Within this abundance, they need to know how to control themselves and their impulses wisely by listening to their inner voice and following their inner motivation which is unique to each and every student and helps set them on the right path. Like in other areas at Zarkor, our school strives for excellence in our children’s nutrition. Not only do we have a priviledge to educate them, but we also have a responsibility to ensure that the food they consume is of the highest quality and the menu is adapted to their nutritional needs. Zarkor provides 3 meals a day: Breakfast, Lunch and an afternoon snack, which can include a variety of seasonal fruits and a sandwich with different spreads. Breakfast, lunch and afternoon snacks are all prepared and freshly cut at Zarkor by our kitchen staff.
Due to sanitary permits, lunch meal is freshly prepared by a carefully selected high-quality outside provider and then catered at Zarkor. The provider was selected together by students, parents and Zarkor staff and has all the required licenses and quality permits. Our panel of nutrition experts consists of several parents from the Zarkor community, representatives from the catering company, culinary consultants, students and representatives from the operations team. All of them worked together to offer Zarkor children the best nutrition possible, while working to build a healthy, and varied bi-weekly menu. Our menus are put together with a lot of thought and consideration and reflect the following points of emphasis:

Dietary recommendations and guidelines for sensible nutrition for children based on the Ministry of Health and our clinical dietitian’s guidelines

A bi-weekly, kosher, healthy, rich and varied menu that introduces children to different types of food, flavors and textures, while being at the same time inviting for children to eat. A diet rich in fiber, whole grains, using only whole wheat bread, fresh and cooked vegetables, significantly less salt, no use of powdered soups and a healthy serving of fresh fruits

Close daily observation of our students during meal time. Examining our student’s past and current eating habits and food preferences

Hands-on inspection and tasting by Zarkor staff of all the foods provided at Zarkor

Children in grades 1-5 will be served their food in our school cafeteria. Kindergarten and pre-kindergarten classes will eat their meals in their classrooms. The food is served buffet style and we don’t use plastic utensils or single-use plates – only stainless steel cutlery and reusables dishes. p

Please note that due to allergies and other sensitivities – Zarkor does not serve food made with peanuts. p