Concerts at Zarkor

We try to immerse Zarkor community in the classical soundtrack comprised of the masterpieces from Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelsohn, Brahms, Chopin and others. From time to time, we host leading Israeli artists at Zarkor, young and more established ones, who perform concerts for all Zarkor students. i

Zarkor is a school with a heavy “classical” emphasis. Our classical approach is expressed in a great variety of ways: in the fact that you will never see a single child at Zarkor holding a mobile phone, in our DEAR TIME (Drop Everything And Read), in our chess curriculum for every child from pre-K and up, in the educational value that we assign to setting and keeping boundaries, in our education for self-regulation and good manners. Zarkor’s classical emphasis is expressed, among other things, in exposing Zarkor’s community to the best examples of the Western classical tradition in literature, visual arts, music and more. i

We try to immerse Zarkor community in the classical soundtrack comprised of the masterpieces from Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelsohn, Brahms, Chopin and others. From time to time, we host leading Israeli artists at Zarkor, young and more established ones, who perform concerts for all Zarkor students (several concerts in a row, tailored to different grades). These concerts expose Zarkor students to the eternal beauty of classical musical masterpieces, teach them to understand and to appreciate that beauty, teach them to listen and hear the music, while understanding the great effort that goes into preparing each performance. i

From time to time, Zarkor hosts the evenings of classical music geared to parents (and to children, who chose to come to the evening concert). Below are a few short examples from the typical  classical music encounters at Zarkor School. i